We believe that theatre is the most powerful and immediate way of engaging our community in social discourse. Our evocative, image-based stylization enables us to challenge our audiences with new perspectives on our world. Oracle creates work that serves as a catalyst for social change.

And we believe that a theatre of social change MUST be free for all audiences.

Oracle has been producing critically acclaimed theatre since 2005. We have received praise for our radical stylistic approach to storytelling. Come out and see a show. Hey, it’s free.

Check Out All Theatre Productions


With our film projects, we embark on an exploration of the medium to stretch the limitations of the cinematic art form. Oracle Film joins its audience in a dialogue dissecting the barriers between the filmmaker and the film viewer. Oracle Film elevates its community by placing free film at the citizen’s fingertips.

From the simplest narrative to the experimental and avant-garde; from showcasing the individual filmmaker to producing works of our own – we make art, we make it free, and we share it with as many people possible – for free.

Check Out All Film Productions